My Summer Jam

I have a love/hate relationship with summer. I love being able to wear lighter clothing – t-shirts, my athletic shorts I find oh so comfortable, and my fun light-weight oxfords. I appreciate lack of snow, and sunny comfortable days to walk around and enjoy myself.

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Classic Souvlaki

Slowdive Gif

One thing about this time difference that bothers me is that I was anxiously waiting yesterday for Pitchfork to post their latest episode of Pitchfork Classic which was about Slowdive’s Souvlaki album. Being seven hours ahead, I unfortunately was asleep when it was posted, so just know this post was intended for yesterday.

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Why Is Alanis Morissette So Good At Covering Songs?

Alanis Morissette Fan Art

You know, I strongly believe that Alanis Morissette does not get the credit she deserves. She’s got an identifiable killer voice and knows how to create amazing and memorable songs. And I feel people don’t appreciate her like they should. She plays an important role in music today. She also took on the role as God in the movie Dogma. So basically, Alanis is God.

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See You Later, Letterman

Late Night With David Letterman Poster

Did any of you tune into Dave Letterman’s final show last night? It was a show full of montages and a fun top ten list featuring an awesome batch of actors (I may or may not have squealed when Bill Murray appeared). It was definitely an emotional show. I mean, the guy has been on air for 30 years, it’s kinda a big deal.

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Veruca Salt Bottle Top Magnets

Reusing, upcycling, diy-ing – all things I like to do. Mix that with pop culture, and BAM – me.

My brother for the longest time has been saving bottle tops for reasons I don’t really know of. Kinda made me question how much beer he used to drink, but whatever, it was more surface area for me to work with. I played with bottle tops first with these Gwen Stefani magnets I made. And then I carried on and made these fun Veruca Salt magnets.

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Montage Of Heck

Kurt Cobain Poster

Growing up, Nirvana and Kurt Cobain’s suicide appeared on countless of VH1 countdowns I loved watching, but I was never too familiar with Nirvana until I bought their greatest hits back when it was released in 2002. It was the perfect introduction, which helped Nirvana grow on me. I was in middle school, deep into my metal phase, and I discovered that the grunge movement wasn’t too far off stylistically from metal making it easy for me to develop a strong love for the Seattle grunge scene.

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The Growth of a Musician & My Love for Maggie Koerner

Guest post written by Jess

Maggie Koerner

There’s something really special about falling in love with a band or musician early on in their career, which I made a point of doing as much as possible throughout my adolescence spent at The Downtown music venue in Farmingdale, NY.
Not only do you get major hipster cred for knowing them first…

(which makes you completely obnoxious, but it’s still kind of a great feeling :P)

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Just like the rest of the world, I was THRILLED when an announcement was made for the Twin Peaks revival. And just like the rest of the world, I was crushed when David Lynch pulled out due to negotiation issues with Showtime, whom will be bringing back the new episodes.

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My Rebellion Against Rebellion

(I just love this picture for some reason. Sorry Gabby!)

With my birthday recently passing, I can’t help but take a step back and look at my life leading up to this point. And there are some thoughts I need to share. I channeled my bitter 13 year old self to help me write this.

Graduating college for sure is much harder than graduating public school, which is why people tell you to stay in school for as long as you can. I can understand that now. Adult life sucks. Especially when you’re in a rut not feeling too much like an adult. I’m still on my path to discovery. This “identity crisis” brings back memories from when I was in my teenage years when I tried to find my “identity” the first time around. I keep reliving those feelings. I really do feel like I’m 13 again.
I have a lot of time on my hands these days, and I can’t help but look back and reevaluate the decisions I made, and what I did that made me… me.

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