A New Genuine Movement

I want you to take 4 minutes out of your day to listen to this song + watch this video.

Aside from being such an amazing catchy song with a fantastic message, can you sincerely say you didn’t feel something from it?
I did some reading up on this “new sincerity” concept, describing modern times as an irony free and helpful period. It’s shown in film, music, literature, and even DIY videos people share on youtube. I think it’s cool that we’re finally living in an era like this, people being genuine and kind, and I can see the internet being a major vessel for sharing all of that, and it’s being acknowledged.

But as cool as it sounds, I don’t really like all these fancy explanations and reasonings for what is classified as part of this “new sincerity”. Why can’t everything just have sincere intentions instead of creating a fad of an “era”? Why can’t everyone just be naturally genuine? I want to start a genuine movement. No explanation or definition, no rhyme or reason, nothing. It’s pretty self explanatory. It’s not obligated; it is what it is. Geniality or keep muffled.

Recent observations from the side line, it seems that this ‘sincere era’ only exists in a tiny bubble. In a world where technology is advancing, we’re lucky if our society can even be at a standstill, but we’re in a regression. All these bells and whistles are supposed to be improving our lives, but we’re not using them in a proper way. We’ve all become so intolerant towards each other because technology has made it easy for us to insult people on the other side of the world. Aside from that, it has gotten easier for us to act like we care by the use of social media. News flash: social media feeds into our narcissism by making us look like we care about other people depending on how many times a day we click the “like” button or “reblog” and “retweet”. A part of me doesn’t even believe in this “new sincerity” because people expect rewards after good deeds. The only time we find people coming together is the cause and effect from a natural disaster. Why can’t we be like that all the time without the natural disaster part? I’m convinced people as a whole are rude, self absorbed and unreliable. Sorry to become Miss Pessimist Polly over here, but it’s a real thing. Take a step back and look at the world we live in. It needs a whole lot of improving.

Be genuine. It’s the little things that can make a difference in someone’s day. Holding a door open for someone, saying hi or just smiling at someone – just acknowledging another human being. Or if you want to take an extra step – compliment someone. That’s right, use your vocal chords. Just do something genuine in the moment without feeling the need for a reward. A great feeling is when you do something nice for someone and not announce it, or wait around for a reaction. Just do it, because it’ll sure make someone’s day.

It’s impossible to just come out and say “let’s change the world” and start seeing improvements. But why not take baby steps to make each other feel happy, comfortable, and safe in this small world we all live in? It’s the little things that count.

Anyway, just a thought. What do you think?

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