Stress Haikus: 5-7-5 Your Troubles Away

Guest post written by Gabby

You know when you get so stressed out that you just have to take a moment to write a haiku about it?
Well, you might want to try it. Sometimes when you get so overloaded you feel like you’re headed straight for Panic Attack City, it’s beneficial to get out your worries via that haiku rhythm – 5 syllables on the first line, 7 syllables on the second, and 5 again on the last. 5-7-5, 5-7-5, 5-7-5. It’s like deep breaths made of poetry.

Below are some examples I’ve come up with in times of freak-out.

What if, instead of
finding a new job, I find
a new hiding place?

Stupid damn sadness
has a hold on me right now.
I need Doritos.

Student loans unpaid,
job applications unfilled…
Time to watch Netflix.

Screw my to-do list.
To-Do: Screw this to-do list.
Yay, accomplishment!

What the heck’s my brand?
Everyone has one but me.
Can mine just be “Uhhhhhh”?

My favorite thing?
Putting on my pajamas
and going to bed.

So take a shot and de-stress to impress (nobody at all) with a stress haiku. There’s no need for it to be even slightly perfect. There’s no need for it to even make sense. The only goal here is for you to get out that piece of worry in a constructive way and make yourself feel at least one iota better.

w. | t. | i.

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