Just like the rest of the world, I was THRILLED when an announcement was made for the Twin Peaks revival. And just like the rest of the world, I was crushed when David Lynch pulled out due to negotiation issues with Showtime, whom will be bringing back the new episodes.

Just like you could image, all inhabitants of the internet went crazy. Who wouldn’t express their feelings of the situation on the internet? It’s there for us to share our thoughts and thangs, right? Well, just like everyone else, I believe that there is no Twin Peaks without both David Lynch and Mark Frost. And it’s really hard to see the quirky town he helped bring to life continue without him. End of story.

This is a short blurb, but what else can I say that no one else hasn’t? It’s a frustrating situation, especially since fans have been crossing their fingers for the longest time for this cherished show to come back. And now that it’s been promised a comeback, one of the most important players ain’t gonna be there. Guess there really can’t be successful resurrection without minor setbacks, but I’m feeling confident Showtime will do the right thing, whatever the right thing is. I guess we’ll see!

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