It’s Not Lady Luck

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about motivation and what drives people to try and be go-getters. I have some friends currently browsing for new jobs; some notice how miserable they are in their current situation and are actively applying for new jobs, and some know they’re miserable but can’t seem to find the motivation to apply to job postings they come across. This makes me wonder what the latter can do to find the will to send their resumes out to change their situation. Not everyone is a go-getter. Hell, I’m not either, but I try my best to change my situation if I find it’s not working for me. Adapting for the better can really make a huge difference in your outlook on life.

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Let Me See Ya Grill

So my birthday was last week. The big 2-7. I kept it low key not really doing much, just the way I like it. That’s just in terms of celebrating. I wanted to treat myself to a present that was a little off beat. For years I wanted a gold cap tooth, and that’s exactly what I bought myself. I researched how-to’s and where-to’s and found a local place not too far from work. It felt strange walking over to take a mold of my teeth during my lunch break.

But before I jumped into it, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t being another ignorant white girl. The last thing I want to do is to offend people with my choice in fashion/jewelry. Turns out, the history of gold teeth is just as you’d expect. Or maybe not. I don’t know what you’re expecting.

Gold was first used in dentistry, and was used as dental castings. Pretty basic and makes sense. They’re sturdy. In other cultures, grills were worn as a status symbol. Gold teeth and gold caps were a sign of wealth. Not only gold, but diamonds and jade as well. Jade stones were directly inserted into their teeth. So teeth jewelry was a thing in AD times.

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Meals On Wheels // Twin Peaks Edition

Sometimes you come across a tweet that stops you in your tracks. This tweet ⤴ is one of those, especially if you’ve watched Twin Peaks and think the world is turning into a shriveled up heartless, bitter blueberry right now.

The current state of our country is (to quote the “president” as of now) – SAD! Their justifications for taking funding away from programs that we all know actually DO work just doesn’t make sense. We’re living in opposite land and these days anything seems to be possible.

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Depeche Mode Meets Anton Corbijn

Depeche Mode Where's The Revolution GIF

I think it’s been said and well proven that Depeche Mode is one of the most influential bands from the 80s, appealing to so many genres, including metal. Their sound is iconic as well as their bondage and leather fashion. For years they worked with photographer/director Anton Corbijn who created their iconic visuals. I just love them so dearly and I think Dave Gahan has the best male voice ever. It’s so soulful and soothing which is show in the songs he recorded with Soulsavers. FACT!

The band just released their 14th (!!!) album and it’s great. It has a fair share of their usual love songs plus a decent amount of political ones which is pretty appropriate for today between Trump & Brexit. People often complain about bands singing about politics when it’s not a usual topic for them. They’ve wrote some known political songs in the past, so this doesn’t bother me and I feel like it shouldn’t bother anyone else.

With their new album and video out now, it’s got me all hyped on all things Depeche Mode. Since they’ve worked for so many years with Anton Corbijn (which kinda reminds be of the Tim Burton/Danny Elfman relationship), I made a list of my favorite Depeche Mode videos directed by Corbijn.

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Why I Strike

Every day that passes, I get more and more frustrated with what’s going on out in the world. The women’s strike was last week and as you could imagine, there was backlash and condescending questioning of what the point was and if anything was actually accomplished.

Growing up, it was me and my two brothers. I grew up with parent’s who were old fashioned in the sense where women stay at home and men go out and work. I was raised to be the “girl of the house” helping my mom with chores while my brothers played their video games. Being in a house with brothers, I made it very clear that it’s all or none of us that will do the chores, and I fought against the double standard up until I moved out.

My parents lightened up when I left for college, but their old school mindset and traditional ways got the best of them sometimes. My dad told me recently that he raised me like that so I can grow up to be a “tough cookie”. I can’t tell if he was sincere or if he was making up excuses. Whatever the case, I was surrounded by the double standard, and fought tooth and nail to be acknowledged as an equal.

Since I was five, I’ve been conscious of double standards and sexism, and while my stories and memories are nothing compared to what other women have dealt with, I still fight for equality and against the double standard. Things need to change, and everyone who speaks up can make a difference.

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Band T-shirt Pillow Case

Last year I made the decision to really clean out a lot of my closet and, really, things in general. I got rid of loads of stuff. Every so often I had to made some hard decisions because I’m attached to everything I own.

When I was younger, I was way into collecting band t-shirts. I couldn’t stop. I had so much, but the thing is that I wore all of them so I didn’t feel right getting rid of any of them. So I had an excessive pile of band shirts.

Over the years, my wardrobe and style changed. I wore less and less of them and they just sat there taking up space in my closet. So I gathered all the shirts I couldn’t part ways with but didn’t wear anymore and set up some sewing projects for them. One idea was to making pillow cases out of them. I had the project set up but I didn’t execute it until recently. So I went for it making one pillow case to see how it would come out.

I gathered similar colored shirts. In this case I picked out my black and white ones. I took them apart, and compared measurements to a pillow case I already owned.

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My Thankful List

I know I’m two days late with posting my gratitude and thankfulness on Thanksgiving Day, but one thing I’ve become especially thankful for was to know when to take a step back and feel okay with missing a day or two of blog posting. Because let’s face it, stress sucks, and when you’re tired, who has the will power to do something such as put together a blog post? It’s taken me a long time to be okay with that. Responsibilities make me feel guilty, but some things are no longer worth the stress. I’m living life, and I’m thankful to be able to do so.

The things I’m especially thankful and appreciative for is having my loving family, to have had the chance to spend time with my aunt before she passed, my supportive friends, easy going roommate, stressful but rewarding job, and cute apartment.

Some other recent trivial things I’ve been thankful for include:

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Pop Words // Banana

I like making lists, I think that’s pretty apparent by now. I especially love making themed ones, and my top favorite theme is pop culture. Here is an example.
I gathered references pop culture mainstream moments of when the word banana came into play.

01. An obvious use of banana was from my all time favorite person, Gwen Stefani. She brought our attention to bananas though the drum line song we all know and can’t get enough of. But I figured it was too obvious to add this song into the list, so here’s a video where Gwen schools Stephen Colbert about bananas.

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Stranger Kids

Stranger Things

Have you jumped aboard the Stranger Things train? If not, get with the times! Join the rest of the world! Be a part of the conversation!

Honestly, if you haven’t seen it, no hate. I was reluctant to watch it myself being that the rest of the world was obsessed with it. I didn’t know if I cared to be in that conversation. To me it was another “American Idol” or “Breaking Bad”. Two completely different shows, I just realized, but they’re examples of shows that the world shut off all their electronics to watch. Or maybe not, as live-Tweeting is a thing.

But I gave in, and I fully understand why people are obsessed.

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Basic Bitch Karaoke Songs

How can I make this post not sound offensive?
Well, let’s see. You know when you go to a bar, or karaoke, or someplace where alcohol may or may not be involved and there’s that group of obnoxious drunk girls singing along with the top 40 hits of today and whatever top 40 hits that may have existed in the 90s or 80s or 70s, and they all take group pictures lined up next to each other with their bodies twisted and hands on their hips and there’s nothing to differentiate them because they all have long hair, faux tan skin, duck faces and tight skirts? (Hello, run-on sentence.) I can totally get more descriptive if you don’t know what I’m talking about, but I wouldn’t believe you if you told me you don’t know what I’m talking about.

Anyway, I’ve witnessed that more times than I’d like to remember – in person and browsing through social media. Obnoxious drunk girls singing along to all the typical white girl songs gets kinda old, BUT it’s entertaining composing a list like this to poke fun. Is that mean? Well, whatever.

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