Meals On Wheels // Twin Peaks Edition

Sometimes you come across a tweet that stops you in your tracks. This tweet ⤴ is one of those, especially if you’ve watched Twin Peaks and think the world is turning into a shriveled up heartless, bitter blueberry right now.

The current state of our country is (to quote the “president” as of now) – SAD! Their justifications for taking funding away from programs that we all know actually DO work just doesn’t make sense. We’re living in opposite land and these days anything seems to be possible.

So, here’s the thing: Meals On Wheels works. I mean, how does it not? Seriously, please tell us all Mick Mulvaney. How 👏 Does 👏 It 👏 Not 👏 Work? It helps feeds our 60-100+ year olds who have physical limitations to make their own food, financial reasons preventing them to buy food, or don’t have the support system to help out be it family or assistant living facilities. Since when did we decide on officially inforcing Darwin’s survival of the fittest instead of helping out one another? How compassionate.

Meals On Wheels had different forms throughout history but was officially founded by Doris Taylor (a social services activist with a good heart!) in South Australia in 1953. America put together their version in 1974, and since then, Meals On Wheels programs have expanded all over the world. Today, our program is non-profit receiving funding from federal government, but unfortunately, not for long.

Meals On Wheels is important because it doesn’t only feed the elderly who need it, but it also helps balance healthy intake. Studies found that the program “significantly improves diet quality, increase nutrient intakes, and reduces food insecurity and nutritional risk among participants. Other beneficial outcomes include increased socialization opportunities, improvement in dietary adherence, and higher quality of life.” How does all of this sound like so much of a fail and waste of money? It’s literally keeping people fed and alive!

My theory is that someone in the White House has been watching Twin Peaks (possibly the reruns now on Showtime?). I mean, them White House folks love their tv watching time. So maybe when Donna received this note, it sparked someone to look into Meals On Wheels as well? Just a hunch.

Dear America, get your shit together. ‘Kay? ‘Kay.

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