Tarot To-Go // Fall Equinox

Guest post written by Victoria

Welcome back to another installment of Tarot To-Go on Oddball Era! This week, we’re taking a look at the Fall Equinox.

Scientifically speaking, it’s “the instant of time when the plane of Earth’s equator passes through the center of the Sun.” In more basic terms, it’s when the daylight and darkness are roughly equal as we slide from Summer into Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and from Winter into Spring in the Southern.

From a magical standpoint, it’s about balance. The Fall and Spring times are milder climates, thresholds into the extremes of Winter and Summer. They’re a preparation. They’re a calm before the storm to get ready. It’s also Libra Season now — a sign whose symbol is The Scales. More balance. Hm. Anyone else seeing a pattern here? Next week, I’ll take a deeper dive into this air sign but for now, try to allow some fresh oxygen into your life by trying to embody balance. Except… how?

The great thing about this week is we’re in a Waning Moon Phase. That means it’s perfect for LETTING GO. Declutter, clean, purge. Donate old things. Get rid of whatever is broken or doesn’t serve you. While you’re doing that, think about it metaphorically, too. What intangible attachments need to go? Maybe a toxic job, habit, or relationship? Maybe just an old pattern that’s holding you back? What needs to be removed so new growth can take its place? Release what you’re ready to.

At the same time, take a look at where you need to balance yourself. Stabilize. Find support. What do you need more of? Where have you let go of too much? Have you given yourself or your power away? Have you disassociated from your friends for some time? Did you put down parts of who you are along the road that you’d like to get back?

Gather up the thoughts of what needs to stay and what you’re ready to let go of. Do you need to make a plan of action? Maybe set up a savings strategy? Make appointments for doctors? Go on a few dates just for fun? Spend some time figuring how to balance those scales out in your life this week as we approach the New Moon between September 30th and October 1st. Make lists or journal if it helps. Maybe have a good hash-out with a friend over coffee — whatever works for you!

Then — and this is the trickiest part — once you figure that out? It’s time to shut down the brain. That’s right! Turn off your patented Thinking Cap and just… be. Just exist. Regular readers can think back to the order-at-the-diner analogy I’ve used before: you tell your server what you want and then you wait for it to come. You don’t go running into the kitchen to demand where it is. You don’t sit at your table and wonder what you want anymore. You wait to be served. That’s the problem a lot of people have with manifesting — waiting for it to come. It requires patience. It requires just being. It requires sticking to your plans. It means following through with what needed to be released. It means actually asking for what you need and clearly.

Balance. Your focus should be balancing between thinking and being. Ego and spirit. A lot of spiritual teachers these days will villainize the Ego but it serves an important purpose. The problem, always, is when you have an overgrowth of Ego or Spirit. Balance. We gotta try and make the light balance the dark — there’s both in all of us.

If you need some extra support this week, I’m offering a new tarot spread for The Fall Equinox. With the above picture as a base, we’ll work together to figure out what needs balancing in your life this Libra Season with these questions:
★ What needs to be released?
★ What needs to be gained?
★ Any advice from guides?
★ Any more advice from guides?
★ What’s the current situation?
★ What’s the outcome?

For a 15 minute reading you’ll get the base spread with an explanation for each card and what they mean for your life at this time. This reading will be recorded and sent to you within 24 hours of payment and costs $11.11

For all readings lasting 30 minutes or longer, we will have to schedule a Google Hangout or Skype call. Here, you’ll get the base spread with the explanation for each card and what they mean for your life at this time, plus you get to ask clarifying questions! I’ll pull as many cards and answer as many questions as you can squeeze into your allotted time period. The pricing for longer readings is as follows:
★ 30 Minutes: $22.22
★ 45 Minutes: $33.33
★ 60 Minutes: $44.44

To get started with booking and purchasing your reading, send an email to nevervikki@gmail.com with the phrase ODDBALL READING in the subject line. You can also shoot me a DM with the same phrase on Instagram, @nevervikki.

To close up for this week, I’d like to share with you guys a quick story and some words of wisdom we can all use during The Fall Equinox and Libra Season.

A few days ago, I did a reading. This is actually how I discovered longer readings need to be a scheduled call! A friend purchased a 45 minuter from me and I recorded the whole thing. It was magical, honestly. My mouth was moving without thinking and words were tumbling out like they were coming from some higher force and afterward my entire body was vibrating. I couldn’t wait for them to hear!

Problem was, we had a hard time sending it due to the file length. After much struggle, we found a work around but every time my friend went to listen, it wouldn’t load. I told them I’d write a transcript of the recording if we couldn’t figure it out.

Flash forward to today as I’m writing this post and I get this message from my friend:

I think the Universe just delayed their ability to listen to the recording until it was really time for them to hear it. Plus — that advice is good for all of us. Be tender. Be strong. Be empowered. Trust. Breathe. Let go.

See y’all next week.


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