Tarot To-Go // October 6, 2019 – October 13, 2019

Guest post written by Victoria

Welcome back to Tarot To-Go on Oddball Era! This week, we’re getting back to basics again with a good, old fashioned reading for the collective.

This week, I was inspired by one of my favorite Instagram accounts, @everyday_magic, run by the fabulous Bakara Winter. I have to be honest — I did not originally follow her for her magical skills; I followed because her dog is my dog’s doppelganger. Except now? I’m a regular viewer of the weekly readings she does live on Instagram (almost) every Sunday.

Bakara draws six cards — three from each of the two gorgeous tarot decks she developed and released this July. Past, present, future. Mind, body, spirit. This week, I decided to use her go-to spread. Shall we dive in? Here we go!


In terms of the PAST, we’re talking about a time of celebration between friends. This card from the Rider Waite deck is the equivalent of the Sisterhood card from my Mermaid deck that has been coming up with relative frequency lately. It’s got some major Sex & The City women vibes — a group of soul mates helping each other get through this crazy thing called life. We’re talking about a time you came together with like minded people. We’re talking about a group who, when you see them, you feel better. You feel refreshed. You feel more like yourself. Maybe you lost that group or maybe you’ve been isolating yourself. Maybe you had to move away or you got a job that eats up all of your time. Whatever the case, this card shows up in the PAST spot because this group is in your past.

In the PRESENT, we’re being called to balance and find moderation in our lives. My dad is a big proponent of this particular life lesson — everything is to be enjoyed in moderation. Too much of anything — even a good thing — can be detrimental. Perhaps this group that’s in your past was a great influence on you but you didn’t leave enough space in your life for solo time and they became a chore. Maybe you spent a lot of time partying and bar hopping with these people and your health started to suffer. Maybe you’re a workaholic and your work family, while they give you joy, are a bad influence on you after a bit too much togetherness. However it resonates with you — find your balance. Maybe you can start seeing this group again but set hard boundaries on how long you can hang or keep a commitment to yourself to carve out some free time alone.

In the FUTURE? We’re all looking at personal transitions. To me, this says that perhaps after balancing things out in your life, you find this group doesn’t quite get you like they used to. Perhaps you outgrew them or their habits and behaviors. Alternatively, the transition may not be about the group but about the patterns in your life that caused you to fall away from them in the first place. Either way, this card usually indicates that you know something needs to go but you’re resisting the change. Why? Fear, usually. What’s going to happen if we make this change and it sucks? What if it’s too hard? To quote my favorite comedian, Craig Ferguson, “it may be that the fear contains information. Something can be interesting if you get to the other side of that fear.” Said another, more Pinterest worthy way? Everything you want is on the other side of what scares you.


What’s on your MIND, gang? According to this spread, we’ve been focusing a lot on opening up and being more vulnerable. That’s great! Being honest and authentic and tender is an important part of relating to others as well as ourselves. Baring your true self is scary as hell but, to that, I ask you to return to the Craig Ferguson quote above. Keep up the scary work!

In the BODY we have some freedom. Have you been dealing with health issues? You might be getting some relief around this time — even if it’s only temporary. Have you been putting too much pressure on yourself to adhere to some strict diet or exercise routine? Time to loosen those reins a little bit. Have you been working non-stop at a desk or otherwise keeping your body parts in the same position for hours at a time? Get some movement in and unrestrict your limbs.

For SPIRIT? Pay attention to any dreams you might be having this week. That space is the ideal channel for receiving messages from God, The Universe, Angels, Source, Your Higher Self or whatever other term you feel most comfortable using. Not the type of person who remembers their dreams? Try focusing on how you feel and the first thoughts that pop into your head upon waking.

That wraps it up for this week — thanks for swinging by! As a reminder, I’m still selling personal readings using the spread I laid out a few weeks ago until 11:59PM on Sunday October 13th. Curious about which spread I’ll be working with next? Check back next week to find out!

See you then.


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