Five Ways Broad City is Changing the Media for Us Broads

Guest post written by Victoria

Broad City Art

I hated Broad City the first time I watched it. It seemed like nothing more than televising a web series made by Upright Citizens Brigade alums Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer. It also seemed like Comedy Central’s answer to HBO’s Girls and I’ll bet a whole lot of ladies felt the same way. But with their time slot right after the frequently over-the-top Workaholics, another CC original and personal favorite of mine, I ended up giving the broads a shot for an entire season and realized my original assessment was not only completely unfounded but wrong; Broad City is actually the greatest show ever, pretty much, and here’s five reasons why they’re going to change media for women.

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Stress Haikus: 5-7-5 Your Troubles Away

Guest post written by Gabby

You know when you get so stressed out that you just have to take a moment to write a haiku about it?
Well, you might want to try it. Sometimes when you get so overloaded you feel like you’re headed straight for Panic Attack City, it’s beneficial to get out your worries via that haiku rhythm – 5 syllables on the first line, 7 syllables on the second, and 5 again on the last. 5-7-5, 5-7-5, 5-7-5. It’s like deep breaths made of poetry.

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How Silverchair Saved Me From a Good Charlotte Obsession

Guest post written by Victoria

Silverchair Fan Art

I must confess. I started listening to my favorite band because (big embarrassing confession time) my widdle tween crush, Billy from Good Charlotte, loved them.

By the time I’d tuned in they had just taken a hiatus when their musical genius guitarist and singer ran into some medical issues just after finishing up their fourth album. I figured I’d give them a shot, being impressed with the fact that the three members achieved pretty decent success at the ripe old age of fifteen years.

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