Love Notes In New Orleans

Graffiti in New Orleans

I think this will be the last post of my New Orleans trip? I saw quite a bit graffiti, murals, and signs while visiting. I wish I captured more but there was that issue of trying to live in the moment and not behind a camera. And so I decided to live in the moment and visually take in everything I saw of the city.

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May-keover Media // 001

Lolita Fan Art

So this idea came about when I was on my vacation down south with friends having a conversation about movie remakes. It was an interesting topic in which they encouraged me to write a handful of posts during the month of May, hence the “may-keover”. It’s definitely quite a process for me to do all this “research”, but I’ll take any excuse to watch movies and listen to music.
Round one I have three movies and three songs to compare and contrast!

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Montage Of Heck

Kurt Cobain Poster

Growing up, Nirvana and Kurt Cobain’s suicide appeared on countless of VH1 countdowns I loved watching, but I was never too familiar with Nirvana until I bought their greatest hits back when it was released in 2002. It was the perfect introduction, which helped Nirvana grow on me. I was in middle school, deep into my metal phase, and I discovered that the grunge movement wasn’t too far off stylistically from metal making it easy for me to develop a strong love for the Seattle grunge scene.

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State Pride

This is a topic that I will always find interesting. Why do we feel such pride about where we’re from? Is it “home is where the heart is”? Or a deep connection to all the people we’ve met and the experiences we’ve had? I’m sure there’s a crapload of reasons, especially to individual people, but I find it interesting seeing so much art created featuring our beloved U.S. states that people really buy into.

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Keychains With Pizzazz

I’m going to take a tiny break from New Orleans thangs and share these fun keychains I made!

I used Sculpey oven-bake clay. I always wanted to make something fun and bake it, but I had an irrational fear of something going wrong during the baking process, resulting in the house burning down. I decided to get over that and try it out, and it turned out to be a-okay!

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New Orleans Summary

Unfortunately my awesome vacation has come to an end; just got back home today.
I’m not going to go into much depth about the daily shenanigans we participated in, but I’ll quickly summarize.

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Jazzfest 2015 Recap

Note: this was written up yesterday but couldn’t find a chance to do my final edits before posting, so therefore it’ll be an “Entertain Me Tuesday” post.

Jazzfest 2015

My first festival experience for sure was interesting, but I would say it wasn’t anything more than average. Crowded, hot, but exciting to share the experience with so many other people that are there for the same reason you are.

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Color Study // NOLA Edition

Finally found some downtime to post at least a little sumthin’ sumthin’. It’s been a super non-stop active bunch of days, and if I can share without sounding whiney, my body is a bit sore.

This is my first time in New Orleans, as I’ve shared before, and although the south is foreign to me, New Orleans feels familiar. I personally sense some similarities to Portland, which could be why this city feels familiar.
Like I predicted, I’m enjoying the art scene much down here. Both visual and audio. Their music scene is so LIVELY. Murals everywhere, art vendors left and right, and hot diggity dawg, their houses are so damn precious. I love the colorful shotgun houses; I’ve been photographing strangers’ homes more than anything else so far.

(Exhibit A ⤴ )

So I guess I wanted to share some of my trip I documented so far. Here’s a small batch of colorful things around the city I have seen that caught my attention.

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The Growth of a Musician & My Love for Maggie Koerner

Guest post written by Jess

Maggie Koerner

There’s something really special about falling in love with a band or musician early on in their career, which I made a point of doing as much as possible throughout my adolescence spent at The Downtown music venue in Farmingdale, NY.
Not only do you get major hipster cred for knowing them first…

(which makes you completely obnoxious, but it’s still kind of a great feeling :P)

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Love Notes // 002

Here’s some more graffiti I came across that I captured on my phone. I don’t know why, but I just love documenting street art or anything of the sort. It’s like a story people leave behind that should be noticed, even if it is gibberish, offensive, or just one word.
I wish I could have hopped into the heads of these people when they wrote these words…

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