Washi Tape Hanging Skewers

The summer seems to be flying by as August is coming up in a few days. The time is also coming for me to move into a new place with my roommate and a friend. Living the rental life, we have to think of creative ways of using up wall space while not making any holes.

Now having an extensive washi tape collection, I was stumped not knowing how to organize them. The washi dispensers are too small and having so much wall space, I found an easy way to store them also keeping in mind that my next apartment will have this setup on my walls.

I stopped at a local dollar store and bought bamboo skewers and command hooks for cheap.

I measured how wide my wall was and figured out how long I want my skewers to be. Since the washi tape is wide, one skewer sitting in the hooks wouldn’t work. It has to be elevated off the wall slightly. So I cut tiny bits and glued it together so it sat off the wall a bit to have my washi sit comfortably.

As of right now, I only put up three rows of the washi skewers, but the new apartment coming, I plan on adding a few more rows because I own so much stinkin’ washi tape.

It’s gonna look so good when I can put them all up on the wall!

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