Five Ways Broad City is Changing the Media for Us Broads

Guest post written by Victoria

Broad City Art

I hated Broad City the first time I watched it. It seemed like nothing more than televising a web series made by Upright Citizens Brigade alums Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer. It also seemed like Comedy Central’s answer to HBO’s Girls and I’ll bet a whole lot of ladies felt the same way. But with their time slot right after the frequently over-the-top Workaholics, another CC original and personal favorite of mine, I ended up giving the broads a shot for an entire season and realized my original assessment was not only completely unfounded but wrong; Broad City is actually the greatest show ever, pretty much, and here’s five reasons why they’re going to change media for women.

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Hair Care 101

Hair Care Tips

I want to start off by saying I’m not a hairdresser or a professional of any sort. I’m just a hair-doer and after experience and learning on my own, I have gathered tips for myself that I want to share.

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Hand Sewing VS Machine Sewing

(Awesome thrift store find that I didn’t purchase. ⤴ )

Even though I feel like it’s completely personal preference, I believe a large portion of those who sew use a machine.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I’m big into hand sewing. I can’t help but feel that I have more control over the stitches I sew, and it’s always been my stronger suit than the machine. But also looking at my past, it was more convenient for me to hand sew since I had the luxury of taking my time and perfect the slower method.

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Youtube Videos To Defeat Boredom

Colin Mochrie Fan Art

It’s so easy to get lost in Youtube land. I see it as a deep hole you trip and fall into, and when you finally snap out of it, you become aware of how many hours have passed and you question what life even means.

Anyway, I’m not one to get lost into the typical vast of useless videos, like dogs in shoes, epic cats, the great dane that just doesn’t want to get up, frankenstein cats (I see a theme here…). I like my entertainment from the professionals. Talk shows are my thing, or anything I know that will guarantee laughs coming from my favorite funny people.

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