Tarot To-Go // New Moon in Aries

Guest post written by Victoria

Happy New Moon in Aries, Oddballs! This youthful fire sign is the first to appear on the zodiac wheel making this New Moon a sort of astrological New Year; the vernal equinox this week made promises of life and growth so as a collective, the proverbial plate has been wiped clean. Whatcha gonna do with this fresh cycle?

To get us grounded for the uncharted newness ahead, I’ve used a New Moon tarot spread from Ethony. She’s a veritable well of information on the intuitive arts and you can tap into some of her knowledge at her website, www.ethony.com

So. What’s ahead?


TRANSFORMATION is on the docket for this new lunar cycle — some area of your life will have to fall apart for your new one to fall together. For me? I got into a car accident this week, leaving the Kia Soul I was working and living nomadically out of completely totaled. Don’t resist the abrupt changes as they landslide right into your life at the most inconvenient time — this is your fresh slate! Don’t waste it.


What’s the most likely outcome of this new cycle? FIRM FOUNDATIONS. Yes, the changes will sweep through your comfort zones and leave you standing on your head. But the change in perspective will help you rebuild steady ground — promise! As J.K. Rowling said, “Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.”


Keep yourself safe from EMOTIONAL WITHDRAWAL throughout the arduous process of transformation. It’s really tempting to turn inside ourselves when the path turns into an uphill hike — resist. Turn outward and share with your support network if you have or seek out new mates if your team is lacking. For myself, this is a reminder not to fall back into the old PTSD patterns I’ve been battling for the last two years in the wake of my car crash. Stay strong, gang, and it will be worth it.


In order to move forward successfully we need to release the human tendency toward ENVY & DECEPTION. This is in regards to our relationships with other people but also — more importantly — with ourselves. Who are we envious of? Who have we been deceiving? What societal lies do we reinforce in our lives? Chances are, a lot of us are being called to let go of the false belief that there is a correct path to follow to happiness and that deviation leads to damnation — that’s simply not true, so drop that thought before it poisons your success!


Don’t forget about HOPE when the shit hits the fan. Remember that light cannot shine without darkness — as the changes mount alongside your frustrations, reach out for that glowing ball of hope dancing at your fingertips. Visualize the future you desire and see yourself already in it — it’s yours for the taking just as soon as your payment is processed. The price? Your tenacity.


Be suspicious of your THIRD EYE CHAKRA during this period. This can be confusing — why the caution? I mean, normally, tapping into our intuition is the supreme method for staying true to oneself, right? So I asked the Universe for some clarity and pulled two extra cards, giving me a better view of the big picture. The FINANCIAL & MATERIAL CHANGES will bring about some EMOTIONAL LOSS that may cloud our awareness. Be sure any hunches or visions you have come from spirit’s aligned and grounded center — not ego’s fearful and anxious dwelling — before proceeding.


To power through this New Moon in Aries — the Herald of Change — focus on attracting PATIENCE & PLANNING into your life. The sudden changes will make you feel like the island you were standing on has suddenly sunk into the sea a la Atlantis, leaving you floundering in the waves. Instead of racing towards whatever shore is the closest swim, take a moment to float with the currents. Plan which land will suit your needs best. Is there food and shelter on the beach nearest you or is it just sand? A little patience and planning will keep you from making a leap from the frying pan into the fire!

That’s it! I hope this New Moon/New Year/New Cycle gives you a lot of what you want, all that you deserve, and everything you need to learn to be a fuller, truer you!


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