Tarot To-Go // October 23 – October 29

Guest post written by Victoria

Hurricane Irma did a number on my home state of Florida and set me back a few weeks here on Oddball Era. Luckily, most of us have returned to a state of normal and it’s officially time to get that tarot ball rolling again.

Whenever I start to doubt my magic, all I need to do is grab a deck and I’m reminded of just how much power we humans are capable of possessing.

Monday is the day named for our beautiful Luna — Lunes in Spanish, Lunedi in Italian — so pulling this card for this day was a great reminder of source connection. It’s appearance in our spread for the week means Monday (Moon-Day!) is ripe for a lot of self love and introspection. According to Tarot.com, “The MOON card represents the ultimate test of a soul’s integrity, where the membrane between the self and the unknown is removed, and the drop of individuality re-enters the ocean of being. What transpires next is between a soul and its maker.”

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Tarot To-Go // August 7 – August 13

Guest post written by Victoria

Tomorrow, August 7th, we have a Full Moon — and in some parts of the world, a lunar eclipse — in the fixed air sign of Aquarius at 11:11AM PST. There have been a lot of powerful energies buzzing around lately and a lot of us probably felt really on edge because of it. Fear not — everything is coming together.

Let’s see what the cards say.

As I’ve mentioned before, tarot is an intuitive art and the techniques and methods will vary from reader to reader. Whenever two cards are pulled simultaneously, I read them as one card. This happened a couple of times for this week’s spread!

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Tarot To-Go // Intro To August

Guest post written by Victoria

It has been a crazy couple of weeks for me and the energy in the skies and on my tarot decks have been matching, to boot. We are kicking it back into gear here at Tarot To-Go for the month of August as we revel in that firey energy that we were filled with during that New Moon in Leo a few days ago. Today, to ease us back into the flow of things, I have picked one card from my Mermaid deck to focus on.

And here she is.

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Addicted To Love Notes

I’ve been on a bit of an internet hiatus the past month, but I’ve been keeping an eye out everywhere I’ve gone around the city taking pictures of whatever graffiti I came across.

A lot of trucks, doors, and scribbles down in the subway. You know, the usual.

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Tarot To-Go // The Fool

Guest post written by Victoria

I’m being stalked by a number. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to stop seeing 22’s. License plates, clocks, receipt numbers — basically anywhere a number could be, there it is. Staring me in the face. Unignorable. A lot of free spirited folks like myself might call this an angel number or Universal sign. Like the numbers on Lost. Perhaps they function as a Matrixian code for our brains to stay on our true paths? I don’t know. It’s not my place to question such matters. Zen.

One place this number appears to me is in the tarot deck. Your traditional set is comprised of 78 cards, the first 22 of which are called the major arcana. Each arcanum is an archetype we all live at certain points of our lives and it is at the very core of being able to excel at cartomancy — if you can’t understand the many hats we wear as humans, you can’t connect deeply with the energies in the spread before you and give a good reading.

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Let’s Get Developed

One New Years resolution I always have is to use more film and take more pictures. I had my eye on two finished rolls that I wanted to get developed but I couldn’t find the will to travel all over the city to find a place to do this job for me. Pharmacies like CVS/Walgreens are not even an option because they ruined a couple rolls of mine a few years back and couldn’t fix their mistake because their policy states that they throw out film strips within a week. (Make note all y’all!) So I finally found a place by my job that I was able to run to during my lunch break. I didn’t even remember what was on these so it was a surprise when I got them back developed. That’s what I love about film. The element of surprise.

A lot of the pictures are kinda nonsense since I found an old film camera my parents had from the 90s and I used one 35mm roll to experiment to see how well the camera still worked. It’s an old 90s type with batteries and all. It still holds up!

These are some of my favorites basically ranging from 2014-2016. They take place in NYC, Brooklyn, Long Island, & Portland.

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Tarot To-Go // Mother’s Day Edition

Guest post written by Victoria

In honor of all the moms in the Universe, this week we’re focusing on the women of one of the most popular tarot decks out there!

The Rider-Waite deck was first issued in England in 1910 and is probably what most people think of when they hear the word “tarot.” However! The use of illustrated cards like these can be dated back to 1397 when King Charles VI of France declared the use of playing cards illegal, excepting holidays.

And today is a holiday. So here we go.

What are our mothers? Well. For starters, they’re our Queens…

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All Is Full Of Love Notes

As I’m sure I’ve shared before, everywhere I turn, there’s some form of wall art or graffiti that’s so photogenic. That’s one thing I love about this city. Lately it feels as if I’ve been coming along large mural-like pieces or truck graffiti. More so the truck graffiti but I rarely am able to snap a picture because they’re always driving by. Only when they’re parked.

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