My iPod Chronicles & Frustrations

So I confess, I’m still head over heels for my 160 GB iPod classic. As technology is moving forward with gadgets that are made for unlimited streaming and storage, I just can’t seem move forward and keep up. I honestly don’t care to. I don’t want my music in the same space as my phone. They have two different purposes for me and I have no interest in combining them. Anyone else feel the same way?

I’ve had my iPod since 2007, and it’s worked like a charm… up until a year ago. I updated my MacBook, and all of a sudden my iPod was undetectable. It didn’t seem to hold a charge in the wall either, so as the battery life was dying, I had no way to charge it. Frustrated me did a lot of Googling, followed some steps, and ended up restoring my iPod which deleted everything. Wiped it clean. I ended up with a dead and empty iPod. It was just an empty shell with no life inside, and a part of me died with it.

At first I didn’t let the feeling of defeat win, so every so often I did my Mac updates, iTunes updates, searches to see if any new information and methods popped up. Nothing. I was slowly accepting the defeat and looked into buying a new ipod, or other MP3 players. I even considered giving into the data streaming on my phone. I just couldn’t give up on my iPod because I really had a feeling it was a stupid fix.

2016 began and I made it a goal to fix my iPod. A tiny, possibly quick-fix resolution is what I was hoping for.
I was talking to a friend who looked up symptoms and we concluded maybe my battery needed replacing. I DID have it since 2007, so that’s a whole chunk of years of intense usage.

I bought a battery replacement kit from iFixIt. Super reasonable pricing – especially if it ended up being a fail, I wouldn’t regret trying. I stared at the box for a week and concluded I needed my brother’s help. He’s handy and knows how to fix electronic things to a point (he’s built like two guitars, so he knows things). We sat down on a Sunday, went through the intense step by step instructions. Took him about 40 minutes to replace the battery. I plugged in my iPod to the wall, and it turned on! I didn’t get my hopes up high too much because I needed to see if it worked on my computer. Unfortunately, no detection. I tried different options and settings and this and that and nothing. At that point I was ready to bring it to the Apple Store.

Good thing I didn’t do that because it turns out, my cable was just wonky and probs just done for. I used my brother’s cable and my computer detected it.
And so here I am, with a working iPod. I plan on spending the rest of this week coming uploading the rest of my music to fully restore my iPod to the greatness that it once was. My new years resolution in this case was a success ✓

So if you’re experiencing problems, could be your battery, or could be your cable. Or both simultaneously, like mine. I thought it had more severe symptoms, and I even blamed Apple for their updates as an attempt to make iPods extinct by not making them detectable (I wouldn’t put it past them if they have that intention at some point. They’re trying to move us to the future). Or you can have a more severe hardware issue which can also be replaced on iFixIt. Worst case scenario, the Apple store is a place to get help. But consider it may be a simple fix like a new cable. Turns out, technology is fixable!

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