For The Love Of Coloring Books

Tibetan coloring book

(A coloring book I purchased in Portland featuring Tibetan art.)

As I have written previously about rediscovering your hobbies, I still feel that everyone forgets about the simple things in life. I think it’s important to take a step back and give love to the things that make you happy. As you can see, I’m big into the arts as it has been with me throughout my life journey, and it will be with me till the end. I will always preach for the arts.

I will also preach for coloring books. Sounds silly? Well, hear me out.

For one, it’s easy to sit down and just color, be it inside or outside the lines – whichever you prefer. It’s a mindless task unless you put a lot of thought into the colors you choose, then it could be a headache. But it shouldn’t have to be a headache.

Second, it’s a relief sometimes to just mindlessly color something you didn’t create. For us who draw and create art, we take care of the drafting AND coloring. I know for me personally, coloring books gives your mind a rest from that time consuming drafting stage. Don’t get me wrong, I love creating my own drawings but there are times where I want to color something but don’t want to create the drawing. I know it sounds silly dreading the drawing stage if I consider myself an “artist”, but yes we too have moments where we hate drawing. It happens, and a break is necessary.

Third, it gives us a chance to discover other artists. If you browse Etsy or other similar sites, people actually create and sell coloring books for adults! I have yet to purchase any from Etsy, but you bet your ass that’s on my list of things I will so buy when I get a chance.

Fourth, there are studies that show how art is good for our brain and health. It’s creative freedom that we otherwise can’t use at our jobs or daily grind. Art has been proven to help people with disabilities, the elderly, and recently became a method of teaching in school. It’s a good way for kids to learn.

Plus, plenty more reasons, but these four should suffice!

It sounds silly or trivial talking about coloring books, but if you don’t find yourself very art savvy, I’d say this is a good place to start. Coloring books are easy, accessible, and just downright fun and relaxing. So if you ever find yourself stressed, feeling creative, or just bored, just color. Do as Nike says.

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