The Fanny Pack Debate

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Fanny packs get such a bad rep. Don’t you think?

Here’s the thing, they’re just the most perfect concept! You have a bag around your waist – not on your back giving you back pains, not hanging off your shoulder where you worry about it sliding off, and not in your hands where you get tired of holding it. Fanny packs keep your hands free, and there’s enough space for you to actually store things as opposed to a small clutch or just your pockets. I just don’t understand where we went wrong with this concept.

Fanny packs were big in the 80s, and they were fashionable and acceptable. What ruined it during the 90’s? Was is the cheesy neon prints? Was the SoCal image with headphones and rollerblades? Is it the actual name “fanny pack”? Please Internet, tell me where we went wrong!

I’m a self conscious person, and I know as soon as I start sporting one, I’ll be getting all the weird and dirty looks. I know it will happen, because there’s that unspoken rule that you should never wear a fanny pack. I find it crazy that I have to explain my reasons and intentions for wanting convenience and a hands free life. Who also needs to carry so much stuff with them? The basics are what we really need. Women shouldn’t have to be the Mary Poppins in life. Basic is best, functional is freeing, and simple is satisfying.

So the thing is that I really want one. I like having free hands while being able to have the option to bring more things than what just fits in my pockets. And I plan on getting one. Turns out I’m not the only one that feels this way. They say fanny packs are having a come back. Hopefully people will be more accepting of it this time around?

Let’s work together to fight and bring everyone’s attention to the facts about fanny packs and how convenient they are!

See above for some basic and cute non-cheesy fanny packs that are modern, stylish, and just great.

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